Trying to find the middle ground between adjusting to life as a brand-new lawyer and wife, trying to conceive(!), and renovating our 1850s farmhouse.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Life in the Middle

I'm not sure what direction this blog will take, but after about a year of enjoying the blogs of so many others, I finally feel compelled to create my own.

At the moment, I'm a first-year associate at a mid-sized midwestern law firm. I'd love to blog about the ups and downs of first-year associate life. I'm married, and my husband and I are working on getting pregnant. I also really want to write about that, because who knew getting pregnant on purpose involved so much planning. We recently bought a 150-year-old farmhouse, and we have major renovations in mind, some planned sooner than others. I'm super excited about those renos and the house, and I really want to share that stuff. Also, I turned 30 this year and my not-so-healthy lifestyle of late has caught up with me. I'd like to include some of my steps from being an inactive convenience-food junkie to a more mindful person... if nothing else than to hold myself accountable. Cause if I'm going to get pregnant, I don't want my baby to develop on fast-food salads and Lean Cuisines. Next, I have a slight addiction to Internet clothing shopping, and I'm really enjoying the challenge of building a professional wardrobe. Between undergrad and law school, I worked in a very casual atmosphere, so I have an entire closet filled with jeans, sweaters, and tanks. And dressing in pantsuits kind of makes me feel like I'm dressing like a man (but I hate skirt suits b/c (a) I hate my legs and (b) it's COLD in the Midwest!). So trying to find the balance between professional and feminine takes up a lot of my thoughts. Finally, I have two hilarious Golden Retrievers, and I just want post pictures of them. Cause they're cute. Here's Jackson, picture taken in March 2007, when he was about 6 months old:

And the picture below is Shelby. This was taken this summer, before she was old enough to leave the breeder and come home with us - she was probably 6 wks at the time.

One last thing: I kind of am lukewarm on my blog name.... I am hoping to come up with something less...hmmm.... legally boring?

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