At the moment, I'm a first-year associate at a mid-sized midwestern law firm. I'd love to blog about the ups and downs of first-year associate life. I'm married, and my husband and I are working on getting pregnant. I also really want to write about that, because who knew getting pregnant on purpose involved so much planning. We recently bought a 150-year-old farmhouse, and we have major renovations in mind, some planned sooner than others. I'm super excited about those renos and the house, and I really want to share that stuff. Also, I turned 30 this year and my not-so-healthy lifestyle of late has caught up with me. I'd like to include some of my steps from being an inactive convenience-food junkie to a more mindful person... if nothing else than to hold myself accountable. Cause if I'm going to get pregnant, I don't want my baby to develop on fast-food salads and Lean Cuisines. Next, I have a slight addiction to Internet clothing shopping, and I'm really enjoying the challenge of building a professional wardrobe. Between undergrad and law school, I worked in a very casual atmosphere, so I have an entire closet filled with jeans, sweaters, and tanks. And dressing in pantsuits kind of makes me feel like I'm dressing like a man (but I hate skirt suits b/c (a) I hate my legs and (b) it's COLD in the Midwest!). So trying to find the balance between professional and feminine takes up a lot of my thoughts. Finally, I have two hilarious Golden Retrievers, and I just want post pictures of them. Cause they're cute. Here's Jackson, picture taken in March 2007, when he was about 6 months old:
And the picture below is Shelby. This was taken this summer, before she was old enough to leave the breeder and come home with us - she was probably 6 wks at the time.
One last thing: I kind of am lukewarm on my blog name.... I am hoping to come up with something less...hmmm.... legally boring?
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